In conjunction with the Rotary Club of Kathmandu Nepal we have given financial support for a number of Covid 19 community response programs that have initiated .
From reports , Nepal is slowly getting worse – much of the community transmission appears to originate from workers returning from abroad – in particular the influx from India when factories closed down and workers ran out of money, then left with no option than to walk home, hundreds of km’s in many cases. Unfortunately, the border crossing cannot cope with this influx of 10 x 1000’s returning and the makeshift refugee camps are bypassed.
Programs initiated include: –
* Purchase and distribution of medical PPE – gowns, gloves, N95 Mask, face shield, surgical mask, goggles, and surgical caps,
* Installation of “wash stations” to dispense sanitiser at hospitals and health facilities in coordination with the Ministry of Health,
* Distribution of food to disadvantaged people, homeless, families who have lost employment and no longer have an income, students, and street children who are at high risk due to lock-down conditions.
* Provide education and public awareness about the COVID-19 pandemic with Public Service Announcement (PSA), brochures, and social media.
* Work with other Clubs to expand the help offered by Rotary these include Ashok’s RC of Dhulikhel and Anup’s RC of Panauti again with food parcel distribution and vegetable seeds to provide an ongoing food source for needy families.